Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)

Blue Screen of Death

Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)

This C++ application is designed to trigger a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) on a Windows system. By leveraging low-level NT API functions, the program induces a critical system error that leads the operating system to crash, resulting in the display of a BSoD.

The application first elevates its process privileges to allow for system-level shutdown operations. Once it has the necessary permissions, it calls the `NtRaiseHardError` function with a specific error status. This function simulates a severe error condition that the Windows operating system cannot recover from. The result is a complete system halt, and the BSoD is displayed, typically accompanied by an error message indicating the nature of the issue.

This application is intended for educational purposes, demonstrating the impact of critical system errors and the underlying mechanics of how the Windows operating system handles such failures. It should only be executed in a controlled environment, as triggering a BSoD will result in a complete system crash and may lead to data loss.

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